This is a simple and fast tool for converting numbers between binary, hexadecimal, and decimal formats. Both signed and unsigned integers are supported as well as IEEE-754 floating-point number conversions in both forward (big endian) and reverse (little endian) modes.
Numbers can be entered in 4-, 8-, 16-, 32- and 64-bit formats. The ASCII character codes for the numbers being converted will also be displayed.
This app features an adaptable 20-key keypad with buttons that are twice the size of those on the built-in iPhone keypad. It also includes 12 function keys for selecting the various data entry and conversion modes.
The app includes a detailed zoom and scrolling operating guide that can be viewed in either portrait or landscape mode.
The Settings app can be used to select from several choices of background screen colors and key click sounds. It is also possible to disable the adaptable keypad feature and adjust key click volumes.
This app was designed and developed specifically for engineers, programmers, mathematicians, and electronics technicians. It is also useful for students and teachers in any of those disciplines.